Educating Future Business Leaders Through Values of Responsible Research and Innovation

Exploring the Potential of Sensitising Students in the Leading Business School of a Converging Economy




Higher education, RRI, Responsiveness, Sustainability, Ethics, Responsibility


The purpose of the research project was to explore the potential for applying the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach in a leading business school. It was the authors’ intention to discern the key issues in how their business undergraduate students see their current and future roles as contributors to addressing major challenges in society. The authors’ findings revealed what students starting their university education already know about the societal issues addressed by the RRI initiative, and also in terms of where the greatest room for improvement exists for professors of business courses. The comparison of the results from action research between bachelor students and MBA students revealed preliminary indications of potential regional patterns (Central-Eastern Europe) to be further identified. The professional implications for business school faculty include encouragement to refine the business concept introduced to students so as to become more inclusive and responsive.


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Author Biography

Miklós Kozma, Corvinus University of Budapest

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kozma, M. (2021). Educating Future Business Leaders Through Values of Responsible Research and Innovation: Exploring the Potential of Sensitising Students in the Leading Business School of a Converging Economy. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(7), 65–75.



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