Losing Touch?
A Case Study on Students' Learning Barriers Within an Experiential-Learning-Based Course
experiential learning, transformative learning, responsible research and innovation (RRI), management education, critical pedagogyAbstract
The research aimed to discover learning barriers that educators unconsciously raise in students of the organisation development master’s course at Corvinus University of Budapest within an experiential and transformative educational setting. The research follows the interpretive and critical traditions of organisation studies and applies the concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) in its research design. This article aspires to present a case that can be used by management educators working with experiential pedagogical approaches in higher education. Research results displayed a lack of emotional security and a lack of common vision and understanding as the main obstacles to students’ transformative learning through the experiential learning process. Results suggest dialogical practice for building trust and understanding to eliminate alienation in student-teacher relationship and to improve learning quality. Finally, limitations and further research directions are discussed.
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