Understanding crisis perception and organizational learning

A case study of school organizations in the COVID-19 pandemic





crisis, organizational learning, COVID-19, education, learning in crisis, school


The research investigates the organizational dynamics of learning-in-crisis (LiC) in five Hungarian education institutions in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on digital competence building, and the influence of organizational perception of contextual factors. The path of organisation-level learning that takes place as a result of the crisis event was analysed along two factors: the extent of perceived impact and the relevance of the rare event. Results of the qualitative, interview- and observation-based research show that learning willingness is different in the face of an identical external impact, influenced by organizational and financial capacity, as well as autonomy and stakeholder maturity for change. The depth of learning is related to the strategic and cultural fit with the sought-after competence, as well as field of knowledge and the presence of parallel crises.


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Author Biography

Nóra Fazekas, Corvinus University of Budapest

assistant lecturer


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How to Cite

Fazekas, N. (2024). Understanding crisis perception and organizational learning: A case study of school organizations in the COVID-19 pandemic. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 55(7-8), 45–58. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2024.07-08.05



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