A felsővezetői lét elviselhetetlen könnyűsége

Mire válasz az intenzív és/ vagy versenyszerű sportolás a felső vezetők körében?


  • Kata Beck-Bíró Corvinus University of Budapest




top manager, intensive sport, competitive sport, self-actualization, flow, compromise


The following qualitative research based article aims to understand a phenomenon: why top managers choose doing intensive (at least seven hours a week) and/or competitive sport? The theoretical background calls for the concept of self-actualization in order to undestand the phenomena as well as the unfolding of the characteristics of the environment, the organization and the individual itself. The analysis of the 12 interviews follows the previous concept, and comes to a conclusion that these top managers are far from self-actualization. Moreover, doing sport is a coping strategy in their life that brings them to a zero sum game. The bitterness of the situation is unknown and unrecognized by the interviewees, so the article aims to call attention to the problem and its solution.


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Author Biography

Kata Beck-Bíró, Corvinus University of Budapest

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Beck-Bíró, K. (2020). A felsővezetői lét elviselhetetlen könnyűsége: Mire válasz az intenzív és/ vagy versenyszerű sportolás a felső vezetők körében?. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 51(2), 74–85. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.02.06



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