Examining expected and actual employee competences in the public and private sectors
public sector, private sector, employee competences, expected competences, labour marketAbstract
The present study examines the labour market expectations of the Hungarian public and private sectors and the competences acquired by employees at entry and later on. The literature section presents the two major segments of the Hungarian labour market, the public and the private sector, based on research and models of labour market competences. The empirical part analyses the questionnaire responses (N=617) using statistical methods. The results demonstrate that expectations of workers in both sectors are high, irrespective of whether they are in the initial or later employment period. The analysis of employee competency scores obtained from self-reporting reveals that both sectors have high and similar scores, with helpfulness, problem solving, and precision being prominent. The expected competences identified by employers in both segments are the same for both sectors: precision, problem solving, dedication, a positive attitude towards work, and the ability to work in a team.Downloads
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