Security risks of business incentive travel
incentive travel, tourism security and safety, risk perception, risk reductionAbstract
Incentive travel is financed by businesses to encourage their employees and increase their loyalty to the company. Nevertheless, incentive travel is an under-researched area, and its relationship with safety can be considered a research gap. The aim of the study is to examine the risk perception and reduction strategies of employees participating in incentive travel. Interviews were conducted with 43 employees who travelled between 2017 and 2021 for incentive tourism purposes. The authors explored the risks experienced during the incentive trip and the elements that guarantee their safety. In the scope of risk perception related to incentive travel, six factors were explored, specifically concerns arising from the lack of public safety, health status, problematic performance, lack of information, fears related to flying and travel, and the nature of incentive travel. Three risk-reducing factors were determined: trust in the employer, trust in the on-site service providers, and self-confidence.
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