Strategic planning of international parasport events
international parasport event, Paralympics, parasport, equal opportunities, strategic planning, peopleAbstract
The 2006 UN Convention states that people with disabilities have equal rights and opportunities. Based on the 2011 census in Hungary, nearly 73% of people with disabilities experience obstacles in their daily lives. An international parasports event has an impact on the society of the host country. With strategic planning, the event can act as a catalyst and improve the situation of people with disabilities. In the secondary research, the authors analyse the impact of previous international parasport events. The primary research assesses the current situation of domestic parasport. Their research question asks what is necessary to organize a successful international parasport event in Hungary. As a result of the research, they formulate a four-element criteria system, based on which a successful international parasport event can be realized. The four elements are accessibility, intellectual accessibility, differentiated treatment of professional and leisure sport, and financing.
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