Assessing the readiness of Hungarian companies for industry 4.0
Model proposal and testing through case studies
Industry 4.0 readiness, modelling, process management, IT management, cybersecurity, case studies, Design Science ResearchAbstract
Industry 4.0 (I 4.0) applications often fail to deliver the expected results for a variety of reasons. One of them is that many I 4.0 maturity/readiness models cannot capture the application prerequisites in sufficient depth, so companies apply such technologies without being ready for them. This article addresses this problem. It uses the Design Science Research methodology to develop an I 4.0 readiness model. The authors complement existing scientific results with seven expert interviews and propose an I 4.0 readiness assessment model. The paper presents the model in detail, then follows this with eight business cases providing assessment of their readiness but also suggestions for further improvements. Based on the feedback on the model and the supporting questionnaire, the authors were able to finalise the proposed evaluation system.
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