Az értékesítés- és működéstervezés vállalati gyakorlatának érettsége egy hazai kérdőíves felmérés tükrében
Sales and Operations Planning, maturity model, benchmarkingAbstract
The article puts the topic of Sales & Operations Planning at the centre of the study. It is a relatively new management solution, which is interesting from a theoretical point of view, but also important for corporate practice. Nevertheless, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no article on the topic has been published in Hungarian yet. One of the aims of their work, therefore, is to draw attention to this area. The other goal is to present the S&OP practice of domestic companies in the light of a complex maturity model. The chosen model maps S&OP practice of corporations along four main dimensions: the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning process, organizational/human readiness, and IT support. Creating a benchmarking opportunity, the study describes the maturity of the companies in the sample and makes suggestions in respect of further developing related practice and increase maturity.
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