Public accounting at the service of local governance
How accounting contributes to local government management
accruals, qualitative research, public finance, accounting, public finance decision-making, municipal subsystemAbstract
The accrual-based approach has been adopted in Hungarian public sector accounting since 2014, providing nearly a decade to assess its effectiveness and contribution to public finance management. The literature supports accrual accounting for its ability to enhance management transparency, ensure accurate cost recording, and promote good governance. In Hungary, most of the focus has been on implementation circumstances and potential benefits. Therefore, the authors aimed to evaluate how accrual accounting impacts municipal management. This study employed qualitative research, conducting structured interviews with six highly qualified experts in the field. The findings indicate that while public sector accounting works well overall, it primarily relies on cash-based budgetary accounting. Despite its potential usefulness for operations, accrual accounting remains underutilized in key functional areas of management.
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