Steps towards experience-based education
On the edge of gaming in the education on the basics of accounting
gamification, experience-based education, accounting education, effective educationAbstract
Gamification offers a motivating methodological toolkit in several areas of higher education. Facilitating student activity, the learning-by-doing approach, creating diverse learning paths, and redefining training output requirements are significant challenges for instructors. This task is a creative process, with the steps of mapping the „environment”, implementing and testing necessary improvements, and „fine-tuning”, when making changes based on experience to get as close as possible to the desired goals. Innovations in university accounting education that adapt to the needs of today’s students take place in the various teaching workshops. It is important to share our experiences and results. This article provides insight into the development processes at the Accounting Foundations of Budapest Corvinus University within the subject Basics of Accounting, the previous theoretical foundation, and the results following the application. The authors collected data on the reception of the work based on a student questionnaire. The reviews give positive confirmation. Students appreciate the varied methods and that their final result is based on the summation of many different parts of the assessment.
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