A „storytelling” mint vezetési eszköz szerepe a munkahelyi elégedettség szintjének és a munkahely vonzóképességének emelésében
management science, attractiveness, job satisfaction, relationship analysis, storytellingAbstract
The use of „storytelling” as a management tool is gaining ground and acceptance in management practices as heuristic type work becomes more widespread. The authors’ research examines the relationship between the type and frequency of „storytelling”, the opinion on leadership, and the long-term attractiveness of the workplace in an organization. In developing their questionnaire survey, they test the existence of the hypothesised correlations in the frame of a pilot project. Following a review of the literature, the authors evaluate the results of the survey by using descriptive analytical tools. They then utilise cluster analysis and create typical respondent groups; these participants formed their views from a characteristically different point in judging storytelling, crisis management quality, and workplace attractiveness. Results support their research hypothesis that proper application of „storytelling” increases trust in management and improves its overall response, so that „storytelling” can effectively increase the long-term attractiveness of the workplace.
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