Capturing the components of organizational success through organizational reputation




organizational culture, leadership, organizational reputation, organizational success


In a practical sense, success is a positive echo, i.e. a good reputation. However, from the point of view of organizations and their management, there are more subtle connections between the two concepts in scientific terms. This paper aims to explore these relationships by exploring and clarifying the concepts of organizational reputation and success and by creating a model that shows the relationships. In particular, the authors aim to highlight the factors and interrelationships between human resources and leadership in order to inform further practical research. To define organizational success, they conducted a scoping review, using 209 sources selected from international databases. The authors illustrate the conceptual components identified and their interrelationships in a model that considers not only success and reputation factors but also a management model (McKinsey, 7S) that reviews the hard and soft factors of organizations.


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Author Biographies

Tea Erdélyi, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

PhD student

Katalin Szabó, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

associate professor


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How to Cite

Erdélyi, T., & Szabó, K. (2023). Capturing the components of organizational success through organizational reputation. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 54(12), 55–65.



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