Relatív hatékonysági eredmények empirikus érzékenységvizsgálata az államigazgatásban
public administration, performance evaluation, relative efficiency test, linear programming, sensitivity testAbstract
Measuring the performance of public administration tasks and increasing efficiency is a vital problem in the operation of public sector organisations. This paper illustrates the application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) through an efficiency study of the county directorates of the Hungarian State Treasury (HST) performing payroll accounting activities. The objective of this study is to formulate an efficiency-enhancing proposal for HST managers based on DEA results. To verify the stability of the presented DEA results, as well as the robustness of the model used, an empirical sensitivity analysis focusing on the weighting of the factors included in the model is performed. This study aims to illustrate how DEA can be applied to the efficiency analysis of public administration tasks. Furthermore, the presented empirical sensitivity analysis may shed light on the possible direction of future research investigating the robustness of parameters.
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