A tudománymetriai mutatók közötti összefüggések vizsgálata a hazai gazdaságtudományi képzések oktatói körében





A and B category journal publication, Hirsch index, publication performance, higher education, Q1 and Q2 category journal articles


The present study, which was based on data from the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography, was aimed at exploring the correlations between indicators that measure the publication and citation performance of associate professors of Hungarian higher educational economics programmes. The authors based their research on scientific metric data relating to 681 associate professors of 17 Hungarian higher education institutions. The results confirm a significant difference between institutions at the level of publication performance. A positive correlation was found between publication performance measured by the number of high-ranking articles and the value of the Hirsch Index. The findings show that the associate professors of higher education institutions publishing in journals recognised as category A or B by the Ninth Department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences had a better scientific publication performance compared with associate professors of institutions who did not have articles in high-ranking domestic journals.


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Author Biographies

Nikolett Mihály, Eötvös Loránd University

Associate Professor

Szergej Vinogradov, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Associate Professor

Csilla Judit Suhajda, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Senior Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Mihály, N., Vinogradov, S., & Suhajda, C. J. (2021). A tudománymetriai mutatók közötti összefüggések vizsgálata a hazai gazdaságtudományi képzések oktatói körében. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(12), 40–50. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.12.05



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