Nemi szerepek a munkaerőpiacon és a szervezetekben a transznemű emberek szemszögéből

Egy interjús kvalitatív kutatás




gender roles, transgender people, labour market, workplace


Most people only have a one-sided experience of gender roles in the labour market and organizations; however, transgender people have a chance to experience gender roles in their workplace and the wider labour market from different viewpoints if they worked before and after their transition. In the article, the authors thus examine transgender employees’ experiences of gender roles. In the empirical research, they summarize semi-structured in-depth interviews with individuals who identify themselves as transgender women or transgender men, focusing on personal experiences. The results show that interviewees encounter varied treatments and systems of expectation when their environment defines their gender as women or men. In addition, transgender people often encounter homophobic and transphobic work environments that also have a significant impact on their mental health.


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Author Biographies

Valéria Pelyhe, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD student

Henriett Primecz, Corvinus University of Budapest



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How to Cite

Pelyhe, V., & Primecz, H. (2022). Nemi szerepek a munkaerőpiacon és a szervezetekben a transznemű emberek szemszögéből: Egy interjús kvalitatív kutatás. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(8-9), 176–187.



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