A racionalitás végvárai

A számszerűsítés megjelenítése az üzleti döntésekben





decision-making, rationality, intuition, quantification, mathematics


In recent decades, the disciplines of economics, decision sciences, and mathematics education have evolved side by side but essentially independently of one another. While they have all made significant progress, their common areas are less significant as a research focus. The paper summarizes significant milestones over the past centuries and guides readers through them to show how quantification has evolved and what impact this is having across disciplines; how it has become the main determination of economic processes, an influencer of decisions, and one of the most important subjects in education; and how it has become the custodian of rationality, and so how it can mislead the mind of the careless decision-maker. Finally, with these characteristics, the paper explores how quantification is able to mediate between the emotions and rationality of a decision-making situation, possibly transforming them towards each other.


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Author Biography

Máté Farkas-Kis, Corvinus University of Budapest

Assistant Lecturer


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How to Cite

Farkas-Kis, M. (2022). A racionalitás végvárai: A számszerűsítés megjelenítése az üzleti döntésekben. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(3), 73–82. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2022.03.06



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