Külföldi hallgatók elégedettségét és lojalitását befolyásoló tényezők feltárása a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen
Kizárólag az egyetemi tényezők számítanak?
expectation, satisfaction, loyalty, higher education, PLS-SEMAbstract
Internationalization has been a widely researched topic in recent years. Higher education institutions developed a need to examine foreign student expectations, satisfaction, and loyalty, as there has been an upsurge in foreign student numbers. Therefore, the current paper aims to uncover what factors affect foreign student satisfaction and loyalty at the University of Szeged. Based on the PLS-SEM (partial least squares – structural equation modelling) analysis of the theoretical model, research results indicate that competences and content of the curriculum influence university-related satisfaction, while non-university-related satisfaction is affected by living in the city, international environment, and places to spend free time at. Both university- and non-university-related satisfaction have an effect on loyalty. The results confirm that in order to understand foreign student satisfaction and loyalty, aspects not strictly related to the university should also be studied, besides university-related factors.
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