Ipar 4.0 a gazdaságtudományokban
A nemzetközi és hazai szakirodalom bibliometriai elemzése
Industry 4.0, literature review, leanAbstract
In this article, the authors reviewed the scientific publications in the fields of economics and business concerning the area of Industry 4.0 from the last decade (2011–2020). The content of the article titles, keywords and abstracts was examined, while the full-text content of some of the articles was also processed. In addition to international publications, studies and major publications specifically concerning the Hungarian context were explored. The authors found that there have been an increasing number of publications of the time period considered, which indicates increasing research interest. In publications related to economics and business, Industry 4.0 occurs alongside a wide variety of other topics, demonstrating a broad range of links with diverse topics, such as sustainability. There are fewer connections with lean organizational practices than expected. Domestic and international research covered similar areas.
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