A kölcsönös értékteremtéssel kapcsolatos elvárások modellezése a szolgáltatásokban

Fókuszban a turizmus





co-creation, services, value creation, consumer decision behaviour


Co-creation manifests in the interaction between company and consumer. This study considers consumer decision-making and explores the elements of co-creation in user preferences in two areas. The first of these is the beginning of the service selection process with a focus on service products in the tourism. This research is based on focus group interviews, in which the content of the transcripts was explored using text analysis software. This revealed the presence of a remarkable occurrence of concepts related to co-creation. Based on the code structure, the following user expectations can be associated with co-creation: communication, value proposition, availability, flexibility and experience. Complexity and personality also affect the customer’s expectations of co-creation. The results were used in a model to identify co-creation expectations, which supported the conclusion that co-creation is a combination of adaptation and active client policy, and at the same time provides an opportunity to improve quality management.


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Author Biographies

Zoltán Veres, University of Pannonia

Full Professor

Fanny Liska, University of Pannonia

Assistant Research Fellow


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How to Cite

Veres, Z., & Liska, F. (2021). A kölcsönös értékteremtéssel kapcsolatos elvárások modellezése a szolgáltatásokban: Fókuszban a turizmus. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(4), 5–19. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.04.02



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