A vezetési tanácsadói szerepek változása
Szakirodalmi kitekintés és empirikus eredmények
management consulting, consulting roles, utility, preferencesAbstract
Management consulting services are proposed solutions offered by a group of experts with presumed competences. Based on the characteristics of the business problem, it is not always possible to define the level of client-consulting cooperation that is required in the transaction. Consulting services can significantly influence the success of the buyer’s organization. The client-consulting relationship, consulting roles and consulting styles have a great impact on clients’ perceived service quality. Such relationships have a high level of complexity in which mutuality and trust play a dominant role. Therefore, understanding the functions and tasks of consultants is crucial for both parties. This study presents the most important role-classification concepts that reveal the mainstream of the research area. Based on empirical qualitative data gained from 22 explorative in-depth expert interviews, this paper defines different management consulting roles as well as preference attributes at each organizational level.
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