A KKV-k digitálisérettség-mérésének lehetőségei
digitalisation, digital maturity model, SMEs, fuzzy methodAbstract
In the digital revolution, the appropriate IT infrastructure and technological knowledge are essential for companies’ success, where the success of the digital transformation depends on digital maturity. The aim of the study is to define digital maturity, the theoretical foundation of the digital maturity model, and present a framework for SMEs to understand whe- re they are in digitalisation (how advanced their digital resource system and digital approach are) to respond faster and more efficiently to environmental changes. The created model, the Digital Maturity Technical Architecture construction, is based on dynamic capabilities theory, graduation models and SMEs’ management challenges. The model is a dynamic model to support management in their strategic, digital and organisational development; it is divided into IT and organi- sational dimensions, including six components and 28 subcomponents. The ultimate goal of the study is to determine the component weights to create a fuzzy model.
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