A KKV-k digitális érettségi életciklusmodellje





digitalisation, digital maturity, life cycle model, life cycle functions, SME


Companies are trying to preserve and strengthen their competitive advantage. It is advisable to be aware of and assess their level of digital maturity. The goal is to present a methodology to determine the place of SMEs in the digital maturity lifecycle. It is based on maturity, digital maturity models, and corporate growth theories. Numerous models have been developed to define digital maturity from different perspectives, but these are all one-dimensional. Consequently, the paper proposes a multidimensional model to define the digital maturity lifecycle for SMEs, which takes into account the digital maturity of firms, the IT intensity of different industries, and organizational specificities. The model defines five levels of maturity with its characteristics, which can be classified into three levels in terms of data information. This allows SMEs to make more accurate decisions about what they need to develop.


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Author Biographies

Ágnes Sándor, Budapest Business School

Assistant Professor

Ákos Gubán, Budapest Business School

Full Professor


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How to Cite

Sándor, Ágnes, & Gubán, Ákos. (2021). A KKV-k digitális érettségi életciklusmodellje. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(11), 57–70. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.11.05



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