Az érzelmi intelligencia és a kiégés kapcsolatának vizsgálata oktatóknál
Az érzelmiintelligencia-fejlesztés szerepe a szervezeti kultúra alakulásában
leadership, emotional intelligence, burnout, organizational culture, organizational developmentAbstract
The development of emotional intelligence results in a kind of (leadership) presence which supports the operation of organizational culture. In this study the author argues that the development of emotional intelligence serves as a protecting factor against burn-out. After presenting previous studies, an intelligence-centred development conception is outlined which is based on an empirical study carried out with teachers (N=292). Medium and strong correlation can be detected between emotional intelligence and the different levels of burn-out, emotional intelligence affects immediately and negatively the different levels of syndromes of burn-out. The moderator role of gender and age could be identified and the mediator role amongst the emotional intelligence factors in the mode of actions affecting burn-out could be also detected. According to the results and the review of previous literature it can be stated that with the development of emotional intelligence a more resistant work environment, more resilient employees and a healthier corporate culture can be shaped.
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