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Vállalkozói vezetői kompetenciák vegyes módszertanú vizsgálata
entrepreneurs, leadership, competency, successAbstract
It has been a popular theme in both the professional literature and in the pop-culture to identify critical success factors of entrepreneurs, thus forecasting entrepreneurial success. This study presents the preliminary results of an exploratory, multi-stage study applying qualitative and quantitative research steps. The research approaches the issue from the angle of competencies aiming to examine if an entrepreneur-specific leadership competency model can be constructed. The paper introduces four leadership dimensions and three leadership styles that are specific for successful entrepreneurs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution here. Successful entrepreneurs employ various leadership strategies and rely on a wide-range of leadership competencies. Beyond the competency sets distinguish entrepreneurs from each other, the paper presents a further leadership competency dimension that separates entrepreneurs from the rest of the word. This leadership dimension contributes to answering the question of who becomes an entrepreneur.
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