Fenntartható üzleti gyakorlatok a divatiparban
A hazai mikro-, kis- és közepes vállalkozások példáján keresztül
sustainable development, sustainable business practices, SMEAbstract
The environmental, social, and economic challenges of the fashion industry have become apparent recently. The aim of the study – supported by a literature review and in-depth interviews – is to examine how sustainability can be integrated into the business practices of Hungarian fashion SMEs. Results underpin the relevance of the categories of Hungarians’ own fashion industry model: (1) waste reduction, (2) premium branding, (3) support for demand-driven product production, (4) support for slow fashion, (5) consumer education, (6) integration of business into the community, and (7) radical transparency. It also seems that the efforts to integrate sustainability considerations into business practices are most effective when environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability are addressed simultaneously. In the case of Hungarian fashion SMEs, however, there seems to be a trade-off between the dimensions of sustainability; in spite of outstanding environmental and social performance, the economic aspect is often somewhat disregarded.
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