Kulturális sokk és pozitív szájreklám
A felsőoktatásban tanuló külföldi hallgatók körében
international students, culture shock, acculturation strategy, word of mouth in educationAbstract
The goal of the research is to explore the connection between international students’ acculturation strategies, perceived success of acculturation and potential for subsequent word of mouth about the host institution and the host country. The qualitative research included 20 in-depth interviews with international students from Europe and outside Europe as well. According to the results both European and non-European citizens, who studied in Europe, suffered similar level of culture shock. The majority of students tried to solve intercultural difficulties based on their own cultural tools. That resulted in low levels of cultural integration and led to negative word of mouth. International students, who were willing to learn about foreign cultures and whose personality developed over the course of the program, produced the highest amount of positive word of mouth. These students maximized all forms of social interactions - they made local, international friends and built excellent relationships with local professors and coordinators.
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