Female diversity and sexuality in underwear advertisements

Examining the attitude among Generation Z women





femvertising, advertising, diversity, sexuality, Generation Z


The current study investigates various diverse and sexualized portrayals of women in advertisements among female members of Hungary’s understudied Generation Z. Special emphasis is placed on femvertising and its relevance to the lingerie industry, which can have a positive impact on body image by encouraging diverse portrayal and reducing sexualized representation. The exploratory in-depth interviews were analysed using content analysis, and the results of the experiment were analysed using variance and regression analysis. Based on the findings, the diverse representation of women in advertisements is becoming increasingly important for Generation Z women. Although the interviewees declare themselves to be socially sensitive, they also value authenticity and relevance in terms of women’s representation in accordance with the given culture. The most preferred type of advertising is diverse and non-sexualized advertising, also known as ‘femvertising’. Overall, diversity and the lack of sexualization have a significant and positive impact on attitudes toward advertising.


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Author Biographies

Anna Török, Corvinus University of Budapest

assistant professor

Noémi Szebenszki, Corvinus University of Budapest

master student

Villő Kriveczky, Corvinus University of Budapest

master student

Erzsébet Malota, Corvinus University of Budapest

associate professor


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How to Cite

Török, A., Szebenszki, N., Kriveczky, V., & Malota, E. (2024). Female diversity and sexuality in underwear advertisements: Examining the attitude among Generation Z women. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 55(2), 17–29. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2024.02.02



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