A turizmus jelene és várható változása a mesterséges intelligencia integrálásával, különösen a Z-generáció igényeire fókuszálva
tourism, tourism marketing, artificial intelligence, smart tourismAbstract
The authors’ research goal was to examine the usability of Artificial Intelligence technologies in tourism. According to their hypothesis, if we look into the future, the demands of Generation Z will be the most important, for which in most cases AI will provide solutions. Tourism has been growing steadily in all its parameters since 2013 while interconnecting with the infocommunication technologies. Tourism marketing and marketing communication are extremely important elements in maintaining trends, increasing the number of tourists, and improving their satisfaction by well-founded decisions of destinations and service providers. In all of these, the most important tool in the near future will be artificial intelligence (AI). In this study, the authors presented a literature review in detail to prove that international research and developments are focusing more and more on AI. After analyzing 50 relevant publications, they constructed a hype map, on which AI solutions were grouped into 4 categories, and in two dimensions of problem owners’ functional needs, as well as technologies. In addition, they conducted 5 focus group sessions, in which young people of Generation Z were asked about their travelling habits, and the role of AI in their travel process. Finally, summarizing their secondary and primary research, the authors built a table where they mapped the exhaustive list of expected and potential AI solutions to each of the 14 steps of their travel process model.
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