Exploring consumer perceptions of electric scooters using the triple-layer business model canvas





electric-scooter, triple-layered business model canvas, environmentally conscious consumer, focus group, social impact


The authors’ exploratory research examined the platform-based shareable e-scooters as a possible „greener” transport alternative, in terms of sustainability and environmental awareness. In three focus group studies, they examined the attitudes of non-users towards sustainability, alternative transport, and electric scooters by analysing the social and environmental layers of the triple-layered business model canvas (TLBMC). The results show that respondents are most concerned about the lack of clarity on regulatory issues and the lack of adequate infrastructure for micro-mobility solutions. This exploratory research aims to understand the success factors for the deployment of electric micro-mobility projects, with additional actors playing a role. Therefore, incorporating the results the authors have just obtained, they propose using actor-network theory (ANT) for future studies, specifically suited to understanding the dynamics and relationships between actors.


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Author Biographies

Dorottya Szemere, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

PhD student

Tamás Iványi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

assistant professor


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How to Cite

Szemere, D., & Iványi, T. (2023). Exploring consumer perceptions of electric scooters using the triple-layer business model canvas. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 54(9), 74–87. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2023.09.06

