Szolgáltatásminőség keretrendszer kialakítása és fejlesztése
Egy felsőoktatási tantárgy példája
higher education, service quality, course evaluation, PDCA logicAbstract
Due to the increasing social and economic role of higher education and to the intensifying national and international competition in the sector, institutional management boards gradually accept that the application of various management tools and methods including quality management ones is a necessity in order to fulfil the needs and expectations of those who ‘consume’ the services provided by higher education institutions. The primary aim of this paper is to introduce our service quality measuring and evaluating efforts in case of project work courses which are not part of the regular end-of-semester course evaluation system due to their highly special characteristics. Following the PDCA philosophy, the purpose of the conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses is to continuously improve not only the supervising and related supporting and administrative processes, but also to ensure inputs for the further improvement of the applied framework and methodology. These efforts are supported by the experiences and data gained during the implementation efforts of the last few semesters. Future improvement efforts and further research directions are also outlined.
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