Sustainability in the Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprise sector
sustainability, dimensions of sustainability, sustainable development goals, Taxonomy Decree, small and medium-sized enterprisesAbstract
Sustainable development has become a critical issue today and the role of small and medium-sized enterprises will be increasingly appreciated in this regard in the near future. In this study, the authors deal with the complexity and presence of the economic, environmental, and social aspects of sustainability through a questionnaire. The questionnaire collects information related to four main areas based on the responses of the top managers of Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises: concept and presence of sustainability pillars; management aspects; funding sources; relevance and presence of sustainable development goals. According to the authors’ results, Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises feel pressure to launch efforts focusing on sustainability. Economic sustainability is of primary importance, but the other two pillars are increasingly coming to the fore. There is a positive relationship between economic success and sustainability, and vice versa, therefore, sustainability efforts have a positive effect on economic results in the long term.
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