Integrating human capital into corporate strategic performance management
Practical challenges and implications from the leader’s perspective
intangibles, human capital, strategic performance management systems, leadershipAbstract
The increasing role of intellectual capital – and its key component, human capital – in corporate value creation has been one of the most discussed topics in performance management studies in the last three decades. Many scholars and practitioners agree that these critical intangible strategic resources must be monitored and effectively managed at the firm in order to achieve corporate performance targets and execute strategy successfully. Integrating human capital into the strategic performance management system is not a simple exercise though as various organizational factors must be managed consciously on the way. This longitudinal case study research is focusing on the role of leadership on how human capital is integrated to strategic performance management, by analyzing various data at a leading financial service provider for more than 10 years. During this period the senior leadership was changed, which had a significant impact on both the perceived importance of human capital as well as the way how it was integrated to strategic performance management at the specific organization.
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