Organisational and individual aspects of workplace physical activity programmes
Benefits, value drivers, motivations
workplace physical activity programme, value drivers, motivationAbstract
The benefits of physical activity, at both the individual and societal levels, are well known and have been widely researched. However, less research has addressed the corporate level, in particular in regard to how organisations can most effectively encourage their employees to be physically active and participate in workplace physical activity programmes. In this article, we describe the benefits of these programmes in Hungary through qualitative interviews (n = 13). The benefits and motivations related to workplace physical activity are presented through a quantitative survey (n = 728) based on selfdetermination theory. The results showed that the main managerial motivations for starting physical activity programmes were to increase engagement and reduce turnover and absenteeism. Employees are mostly motivated by introjected and identified regulators, suggesting that workplace sport is not fully intrinsically motivated and loosely linked to managerial goals. Further studies on motivation are essential to help companies understand how best to communicate and promote their workplace physical activity programmes.
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