Quantitative research on the visitor experience at the Almásy Mansion Visitor Centre in Gyula


  • Dorottya Ginovszky-Bodnár




active involvement, escapism, 4E model, museum visitor experience


The museum visitor experience of the Almásy Mansion Visitor Centre in Gyula, Hungary is analysed through quantitative research. The author examines the escapism dimension of Pine and Gilmore’s 4E model, along with its meaning and presence in the literature, suggesting how it might be refined for the museum context. Escapism is considered to be a potential output that connects with each of the other dimensions; the author suggests that the fourth dimension should be renamed as Active Involvement. The hypotheses and the validity of the refined model were tested using PLS-SEM. The author designed valid enhanced models for the experience dimension and the components of the Active Involvement dimension. The study, which includes several stages of research, is the final part of the author’s doctoral thesis.


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Author Biography

Dorottya Ginovszky-Bodnár

freelance tourism consultant


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How to Cite

Ginovszky-Bodnár, D. (2023). Quantitative research on the visitor experience at the Almásy Mansion Visitor Centre in Gyula. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 54(1), 38–51. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2023.01.04


