The links between entrepreneurial opportunity and artificial intelligence based on a systematic literature review
entrepreneurial opportunity, Artificial Intelligence, entrepreneurship, business development, innovation, systematic literature reviewAbstract
Developing, exploring, creating, and utilizing entrepreneurial opportunity is the basis for innovation and competitiveness, a key factor in sustainable economic development. Artificial intelligence may contribute to identifying, analyzing, and implementing entrepreneurial opportunities and opening areas for the development of businesses. This paper aims to analyze the role of artificial intelligence in the context of entrepreneurial opportunities in an interdisciplinary approach. The research involved applying a systematic literature review of publications on the topic in the Scopus database. The study shows that artificial intelligence may contribute in complex ways to the faster and more accurate identification and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities, even under uncertain market conditions, which facilitates business development. Artificial intelligence may increase business efficiency by supporting business processes and decision-making and facilitating the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities. At the same time, artificial intelligence as a business model integrated into entrepreneurial activity contributes to competitiveness and product and service innovation.
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