Nicholas Chandler 2015-ös cikkében az Y generációs diákok munkához, munkahelyhez való viszonyát vette górcső alá, akik mostanra már a munkaerőpiac lényeges szereplőivé váltak. Lássuk, mire jutott az egy évtizeddel ezelőtti elemzés:
“The findings (...) seem to indicate a preference of millennials for a clan culture type organisation, and with this, a desire for a good working environment. Studies of millennials indicated that they would be devoted to their own careers, not to their companies with the desire for meaningful work. This aspect might be reflected in many participants putting the opportunity to develop as the top motivator, however it can be seen in the table that this is often the preference for participants who are students and may be due to the fact that they live within the education system where the need to learn and study is a value that is constantly reinforced, rather than a devotion to their own careers.”
Chandler, Nicholas Guy (2015): Millennials, entrepreneurs and the Hungarian workplace of the future: the preliminary findings of a pilot study. Vezetéstudomány, 46 (11) p. 15-24.