An empirical model of the overview and systematisation of Hungarian international corporate turnaround management research
turnaround, crisis, restructuring, turnaround management researchAbstract
The topic of corporate distress and turnaround has occupied organisational change researchers for five decades. Company turnarounds and reorganisations are already part of day-to-day management. Numerous turnarounds in the organisational transformation of the corporate world are triggering the further expansion of empirical research. For this purpose, it is worth understanding the international background of corporate turnaround management research and the development of its tendencies in the context of this study’s results. The author will discuss the basic characteristics of the turnaround management research trends, as well as a Hungarian corporate empirical turnaround management model as an examination framework for the compilation of a national economic portfolio. This framework takes a holistic approach to the topic, considering a wide range of measures with the content, processes and context of the turnaround and the interdependencies between different disciplines. Finally, the article makes recommendations for further research.Downloads
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