Playful and gamified solutions in hybrid human and organizational development services
Exploratory case study of a hungarian blended learning platform
workplace learning, blended learning, e-learning, gamification, motivational designAbstract
Innovative digital technologies have remained after COVID-19 but have not entirely replaced on-site learning. Hybrid forms of learning that blend online and offline processes are predicted to dominate our near future. Blended learning, which has become an umbrella term, emphasises optimising the achievement of learning objectives. This topic has been addressed mainly in relation to higher education, but it lends itself to being explored in the context of workplace learning. Optimising learning requires efficient and effective methods. In this context, the field of applied game and play design can offer a controversial but rich set of instructional tools. Through an exploratory case study of a blended learning platform developed by a Hungarian consulting firm, the article shows how classical gamification and playful solutions are integrated into the development process and what role they are intended to play in supporting (or hindering) hybrid workplace learning.
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