Analysis of leadership competencies based on organizational change
Case of education hospitals of Jordan
leadership behavior, organizational change, hospitals, JordanAbstract
Leadership skills and attributes can improve the performance of organizations and contribute to positive and sustainable organizational change, in the dynamically changing healthcare sector too. The study examines the clinical leadership behavior in Educational Hospitals of Jordan and how clinical leadership competencies related to the demographic variab-les. To understand clinical leadership behavior, a quantitative descriptive study was conducted by using an international framework (Medical Leadership Competency Framework). 110 clinical leaders were asked with a validated questionnaire and the data was analyzed by using the multiple variance analysis. In the studied hospitals, the most typical leadership behaviors were integration in clinical leadership, empathy and innovation, and the gender and age of health leaders have a significant impact on the degree of clinical leadership). The development of clinical leadership skills is time-consuming, but essential to be prepared for environmental and organizational change, especially skills related to managing staff and the work environment.
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