The role of management in the success of innovative companies
global value chain, innovation, leadership, managers’ attitudesAbstract
Hungarian companies’ innovation performance is weak when compared with their international competitors. Although the results of the authors’ questionnaire survey, which was conducted among Hungarian manufacturing firms, demonstrated the effect on innovation performance of their position on the supply chain, this was not the chief determinant of their attitude towards innovation. For instance, they found some companies at the bottom of the supply chain that considered themselves to be innovative, though this was not necessarily the case. The authors also found a correlation between managers’ openness to innovation and success. The attitude of management was decisive in strategic issues such as innovation. If innovation was not considered relevant or of any value, managers would not support innovation initiatives and their companies were not successful. Managers’ openness to innovation depended on personality traits but could also be developed consciously and purposefully. Leadership training and coaching can play an important role in this regard.
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