Examining home office perceptions and the impact of a pandemic through a systematic literature review





back to the office, COVID-19, home office, new normal, teleworking


COVID-19 has created unprecedented human and humanitarian challenges. Companies acted quickly to protect their emp-loyees and shift them towards new ways of working (e.g., telecommuting). A record number of workers began working from home. This radical change will have a long-term impact on traditional workplaces and the nature of employment in general. The present study aimed to process the findings of leading-edge research published with systematic literature re-view (SLR) that pointed out the effects of the pandemic on the home office and the new normal. The results show that the frequency and acceptance of home office use in the current situation far exceed the pre-pandemic period. This suggests that managers may need to rethink work organization and workplaces. The primary goal of employers should be to allow employees to return to a safe working environment by optimising office space capacity.


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Author Biography

Anett Tímea Grozdics, University of Pécs

PhD student


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How to Cite

Grozdics, A. T. . (2022). Examining home office perceptions and the impact of a pandemic through a systematic literature review. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 53(10), 15–27. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2022.10.02



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