„Két út van előttem, melyiken induljak?”

Gazdaság- és társadalomtudományi karok Web of Science és Scopus által indexált folyóiratcikkeinek vizsgálata 2016 és 2020 között





journal lists, performance evaluation, science metrics, social sciences


The lists of journals of the academic committees composed for the habitus examination of the doctoral procedures of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences play a decisive role in the evaluation of the performance of Hungarian lecturers and researchers in the social sciences. However, the ranking positions of the institutions aiming to enter the international higher education market are calculated on the grounds of cumulative publication performance measured on the basis of journal lists provided by international indexed databases. By examining the MTMT2 database, the present study explored differences in the assessment of individual publications and citation performance based on the two types of lists. In addition to demonstrating the discrepancy, it also analysed their probable requirements at both individual and institutional levels. It suggests several possible alternatives to resolve the situation.


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Author Biographies

Péter Sasvári, University of Public Service

Associate Professor

Gyula Bakacsi, Budapest Business School

Full Professor

Anna Urbanovics, University of Public Service

PhD student


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How to Cite

Sasvári, P., Bakacsi, G., & Urbanovics, A. (2021). „Két út van előttem, melyiken induljak?”: Gazdaság- és társadalomtudományi karok Web of Science és Scopus által indexált folyóiratcikkeinek vizsgálata 2016 és 2020 között. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(12), 16–30. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.12.03




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