Conflict management in a cross-cultural comparision
culture, conflict management, interview, grounded theoryAbstract
Migration has become a phenomenon that has risen in recent decades. The durable effects of the pandemic are hardly assessable, but the tendency is expected to continue. Diverse workplaces prompt us to address cultural differences. This work thus aims to analyse the various manifestations, interpretations and reactions of three theories associated with conflict management. Data was collected using in-depth interviews with open-ended questions and analysed by grounded theory methodology. As a result, the different conflict management strategies, related emotions, reasons and interpretations were categorised. Besides the potential outcomes, the authors also revealed relevant contextual factors; however, their weights varied across cultures. They separated several conflict management and understanding mechanisms and typified the categories that emerged. Beyond the traditional west-east opposition, the authors received a highly complex picture. Interviewees from the Middle East, Mediterranean region, Africa and Eastern-Europe possessed distinctive attitudes, but the most straightforward difference was identifiable between the Far-Eastern and the Anglo-Saxon cultures.Downloads
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