A Pécsi Tudományegyetem regionális fejlesztési szerepvállalásának lehetősége a tudományos munkatársak egyéni értékhierarchiáinak fényében
Összehasonlító elemzés
regional development, University of Pécs, basic human values, Shalom H. Schwartz, European Social SurveyAbstract
This paper offers a comparative examination of the relevant sets of values of the lecturers and researchers affiliated with the University of Pécs (PTE). From the various value theories, Shalom H. Schwartz’s concept of Basic Human Values was applied. Schwartz distinguishes ten dynamically interrelated values. Revealing the typical value priorities of lecturers-researchers provides an opportunity to draw conclusions about the socio-economic impacts of PTE and whether the motivations of lecturers-researchers can adequately support the university’s roles beyond itself. Crucial to the analysis is its comparative perspective, which enables the authors to compare the value preferences of these lecturers and researchers with those of Hungarian society as a whole, and those in other European regions. The results show that the values and motivations of PTE’s staff members provide a suitable basis for the effective regional involvement of the university.
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