Külföldi csődelőrejelző módszerek szisztematikus irodalomelemzése
bankruptcy prediction, systematic literature review, insolvency, business failure, financial distressAbstract
Research on corporate insolvency, bankruptcy and financial distress comprises an intensive research genre with numerous practical methods. The study investigates the foreign recognized literature on corporate bankruptcy prediction using the method of systematic literature review. The objective of this research is twofold, firstly to examine the best-performing methods of corporate bankruptcy prediction and secondly to reveal the most common factors based on the reviewed research. Using three scientific databases, 105 articles from 1966 to 2017 were reviewed. The literature review compares six families of methods. The results show that the decision trees exceed the SVM and neural network method and the traditional statistical methods. Between instance-based methods and logistic regression as methods with medium accuracy, no clear ranking could be established. Examining the factors of bankruptcy, we concluded that market indicators used next to financial indicators do not lead on average to higher forecasting accuracy than models including only financial indicators.
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