A tacit tudás átadását támogató eszközök
tacit knowledge, knowledge transfer, labour migration, key personAbstract
We are living in an age of labour migration within and between organizations. Yet, it is not a problem for companies to find new employees. Through advanced technological innovations no company should relinquish its market-leading position. However, if the company does not give special attention to retaining the knowledge accumulated within the organisation – and, in particular, does not focus on the key people – its market position could be jeopardized. This is especially true when it comes to the leaving employee’s experience, implicit, or tacit knowledge, as this is the only sustainable competitive advantage that truly differentiates a company from other business players. This study presents a sub-research conducted as part of a large-scale research. The study focused on the methodological issues of transferable knowledge and the tools supporting knowledge transfer. The authors’ goal was to identify and classify the tools with which the sustainability of tacit knowledge transfer can be effectively integrated into the current Hungarian corporate life.
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