Talent Management in Hungary
An Empirical Study and Suggestion for a Process-Based Approach
talent management, talent segmentation, human resource management (HRM), competency, questionnaireAbstract
This research aimed to examine the status quo of talent management (TM) in Hungary through an online questionnaire. According to responding companies (n=75), talented employees are interpreted fully/partially by some competencies. The need for talent segmentation seemed to be significant – mainly concentrating on employees with critical skills, graduate/ Gen Z talents, high potentials, managerial talents, and trainee talents. Related to the TM, the respondents’ approaches varied, but four processes typically appeared as components of TM practices – attraction, selection, development, and retention. All of them turned out to be very important, but the respondents experienced difficulties related to each process. Based on the findings, the implementation of a process-based TM model has been proposed. The model suggests interpreting so-called talent potentials, who participate in the entire TM process, along with Spencer and Spencer’s (1993) competency clusters, through which they become the members of particular talent segments.
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