Hidden preferences in social responsibility

The analysis of Erste SEEDS corporate social responsibility programme


  • Fanni Tóth Corvinus University of Budapest




CSR, logit model, social entrepreneurship, content analysis


Banks are usually active in creating and operating corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes for different reasons. This paper analyses the Erste Bank SEEDS programme, which is dedicated to entrepreneurs promoting social welfare in Hungary. A total number of 68 social entrepreneurs were selected from 203 applicants to participate in the programme. To detect the success factors, the paper examines all proposals with content analysis. Then, using a bivariate logistic regression, the research estimates the probability of getting selected and identifies three critical factors: the potential social impact, financial sustainability and the life cycle of the product or service. These results hint to the bank caring about social impacts but only if financial sustainability is assured. Some social activities (community building, health or sustainable lifestyle) are less preferred than others (employment). The main contribution of the study is to present how corporate social responsibility programmes can be analysed and what hidden requirements may be incorporated within them.


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Author Biography

Fanni Tóth, Corvinus University of Budapest

PhD student


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How to Cite

Tóth, F. (2021). Hidden preferences in social responsibility: The analysis of Erste SEEDS corporate social responsibility programme. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(5), 14–26. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.05.02



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