A humánerőforrás-fejlesztés kihívásai a digitális átállás fényében

Kihívások, reakciók, törekvések és várakozások





Industry 4.0, human resources, competence, training


The technological and social development in the world of globalising information is causing our environment to change at an unprecedented rate. The effects of these changes are being experienced in the world of work: new professions are emerging, while other occupations are being forgotten. This study considered the human resources challenges of Industry 4.0 and in particular, ways of dealing with how to prepare the (future) workforce for doing job in the digital environment, as well as what competencies are expected by companies that have taken steps in the digitalisation process. This empirical qualitative study revealed the entrepreneurial reaction, aspirations and motivations in relation to the challenges generated by Industry 4.0. The authors' goal was to analyse the opportunities and limitations of the processes and the participants’ role. They highlighted that, although experts agree on the indispensability of digital literacy and basic IT knowledge, these competencies are not named among the most required, expected skills.


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Author Biographies

Nikoletta Tóth-Kaszás, University of Pannonia at Nagykanizsa

Associate Professor

Kornél Németh, University of Pannonia at Nagykanizsa

Associate Professor

Gabriella Michalec, University of Pannonia

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Tóth-Kaszás, N., Németh, K., & Michalec, G. (2021). A humánerőforrás-fejlesztés kihívásai a digitális átállás fényében: Kihívások, reakciók, törekvések és várakozások. Vezetéstudomány Budapest Management Review, 52(4), 80–92. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2021.04.07



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